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Tuesday 31 May 2011

Deadline 2 June - Stop the Bio-fuel land-grabs in Africa

Extractive resources like oil and natural gas have a horrid history of exploitation. So when it comes to alternative fuels, it's time that we chart a new course -- not one that continues to exploit people who are struggling to survive.

Sign the petition to stop the biofuel land-grab in Africa »

1.1 million hectares in 5 African countries have already been seized in order to grow biofuels, displacing families and leaving them with no compensation and no way to feed themselves. Fueling our cars is not worth the millions of displaced, starving families that the production of biofuels creates.

In Mozambique, Matilde is a farmer who is struggling to survive after an industrial biofuel company took her land without offering jobs or compensation. Her small farm used to provide enough food to support her family, but is now used to grow sugar cane to be used as biofuel.

The UK government is considering an increase in the amount of biofuel in petrol and diesel, but we only have until this Thursday, 2 June, to affect that decision. Sign the petition to tell Mr. Norman Baker, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport, to scrap plans for trebling the UK's biofuel targets.

Friday 27 May 2011

Restoring Kenya’s Most Important Forest

The African Wildlife Foundation has collaborated with key partners in Kenya to plant 25,000 trees for restoration of the critically important Mau Forest. You might not be fully aware of the Mau Forest’s significance, but after reading this you will. Firstly, it isn’t just the largest mountain forest in Kenya–it is the largest in all of Eastern Africa. In Kenya, it is also the largest water catchment area, meaning it is the habit that collects the most rainwater. The 675,000 acre forest catches so much rainwater it is the origin of a number of important Kenyan rivers. One of the rivers, the Mara, runs through the Maasai Mara National Reserve, which is Kenya’s most celebrated wildlife conservation area. This area is world famous, and its fame is well-deserved due to the concentration of wild animals such as lions, rhinos, leopards, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, elephants, antelope, and wildebeests.
The Maasai Mara National Reserve covers over 500-square miles, and yet it is just the northernmost part of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, which covers nearly 10,000 square miles. Without rainwater collected first in the habitats of the Mau Forest, and then fed into the watershed, rivers such as the Mara would not get the water that is the lifeline for wild animals and people alike. It isn’t just the Mara, however, that is fed by the Mau Forest. Eleven other rivers also get their water from this critically important mountain habitat. Countless animals and millions of people depend upon water sources that originate in the Mau Forest. In fact, the United Nations Environment Program has called the Mau Forest, “the single most important watershed in the Rift Valley and western Kenya.” (Source: UNEP)
Rivers that flow from the Mau Forest water collection are very important for biodiversity on their own, but they also feed three lakes in Kenya, and one of them, Lake Victoria, is the largest lake in Africa by area. This single lake supports a tremendous amount of wildlife, and is home to Africa’s largest inland fishery. Lake Nakuru and Lake Natron are no less important. For example, Lake Nakuru National Park is the most visited park in Kenya, and generates fifteen percent of all tourism dollars in the country, due in large part to the huge populations of flamingos that feed there.
You might be wondering at this point, what all this information has to do with tree planting–but it is indeed very relevant. Due to various human activities, the size of the Mau Forest has been reduced by about a quarter of what it once was. This loss of trees and natural habitat could prove disastrous at some point, because when there are fewer trees, there is less rain, and therefore less water to drain into the rivers and lakes that feed all the animals and people who have no other water supply. Already some of Mau’s rivers have shifted from a perennial status to seasonal, due to decreased rainfall. Also a very severe drought there in recent years, is believed to be related to deforestation in the Mau Forest. Additionally, tropical soils are vulnerable to erosion and nutrient depletion – two effects which only degrade habitat even more, and are caused by deforestation.
Planting trees is an excellent way to restore the Mau Forest to its’ full ecological health, and capacity for supporting life. The African Wildlife Foundation partnered with the Interim Coordinating Secretariat, Kenya Wildlife Service, and Kenya Forest Service for the tree restoration project.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Elephant Tragedy: Newborn Calf falls into ravine, mother dies trying to rescue

IFAW has just rescued a newborn elephant calf who was injured and trapped when he fell into a rocky ravine in northeast India.

IFAW's rescue team was headed up by Dr. Abhijit Bhawal. Dr. Bhawal led the rescue team through the narrow and dark cave and to the injured calf.

A sling was slipped under the calf, and then Forest Department staff and villagers pulled the calf through the narrow rocks as Dr. Bhawal and other rescuers pushed from behind.

They were eventually able to move the calf through the cave. He was then carried on a stretcher up a steep hill, and was transported to a field office where he was treated immediately.

The calf is now in critical condition and receiving around-the-clock care.

But sadly, the calf has lost his mother.

She somehow navigated the perilous rocks and caves and reached her baby, but was gravely injured in the process and became wedged between two giant rock walls. From a trunk-length away, she comforted her calf until she knew her baby was safe, and then she quietly passed away.

I wish we could have saved the mother also - IFAW rescuers and local villagers worked feverishly to free her, but she was too injured.

And I'm so sad for this calf, all alone in the world, and desperately clinging to life. 
The newborn elephant calf was unable to stand up when we reached him. He has bruises and wounds to his back, head and legs. We are desperately trying to save him. Please help us rescue and care for innocent animals like this calf by giving today.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

29 Ways to Attract Money Now

29 Ways to Attract Money Now

by Joe Vitale on July 13, 2009
You’ll get access to my new book shortly.  (If you signed up for it at www.attractmoneynow.com, then just go back and check your email for the secret link to the book). Meanwhile,  in completing my new book Attract Money Now I’ve  included numerous ways to attract money using the law of attraction and the law of right action. Since so many people need help right now, I’m sharing some of the ways right here. Please share this with whoever may benefit from it.  Here goes:
Attract Money Now 1.  If you’re in the US, and in an emergency, call 211.
2.  Call the Silent Unity prayer line in the US:  1-740-362-4214.
3. Give money to wherever you received inspiration or encouragement.
4. Buy something you want and can afford.
5. Take action on an idea you have.
6. Write a script of you being wealthy and how it feels.
7. Watch the movie The Secret.
8. Watch the movie The Compass.
9. Watch the movie Try It On Everything.
10. Use EFT to help dissolve feelings of desperation.
11. Turn off the mainstream news.
12. Join or create a support group, such as Attract Miracles Online.
13. Forgive yourself and others.
14. Read Think and Grow Rich.
15. Turn a problem into a product and sell it online.
16. Feel grateful for something you have.
17. Practice the seven steps in Attract Money Now.
19. Get a Miracles Coach.
20. Pray.
21. Create a vision board of what you want.
22. Do 5 things each day on items on your vision board.
23. Ask for help.
24. Help someone else.
25. Worship time, not money. Use your time wisely.
26. Imagine what you would do if you won the lotto for $37,000,000. Do it.
27. Do whatever you are afraid to do. Wealth is hiding behind your fear.
28. Get a job. While you pursue your dream, feed yourself with work.
29.  Get clear of limiting beliefs about money.
Obviously, each of the above needs a little explanation, which is why I’m writing my new book. My book will also reveal my new seven step formula for attracting money. If you would like to receive a free copy of it when it is done, just click here.
Or you can order the hardcover book, which comes with a FREE DVD of a fiery presentation by me on how to attract money, by clicking on the below image: attract money now hardcover offerAo Akua,
Dr. Joe Vitale
PS – What other ways are there to attract money now using the law of attraction and the law of right action? Any tips you can offer could help another. Please post a comment so we can all learn them and help others, too.
Note: Please share this post with others. Thank you.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Uganda's anti-gay law has failed!

Uganda's anti-gay law has failed! It looked sure to pass last week, but after 1.6 million petition signatures delivered to Parliament, tens of thousands of phone calls to our own governments, hundreds of media stories about our campaign and a massive global outcry, Ugandan politicians dropped the bill!  

It was down to the wire - religious extremists tried to push the bill through on Wednesday, and then convened an unprecedented emergency session of Parliament on Friday. But each time, within hours, we reacted. A huge congratulations to everyone who signed, called, forwarded and donated to this campaign - with our help, thousands of innocent people in Uganda's gay community do not wake up this morning facing execution for whom they chose to love.

Frank Mugisha, a courageous leader of the gay community in Uganda sent us this message:

 "Brave Ugandan LGBT activists and millions of people around the world have stood together and faced down this horrendous anti-homosexuality bill.The support from the Avaaz global community has tipped the scales to prevent this Bill going forward. Global solidarity has made a huge difference"

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs' Office also wrote to Avaaz:

"Many thanks. As you know, thanks to a very large extent to the intensive lobbying and combined effort of you, other civil society representatives, EU and other governments, plus our delegation and embassies on the ground the Bill was not presented to the Parliament this morning."

This fight is not over. The extremists behind this bill could try again within just 18 months. But this is the second time we've helped defeat this bill, and we'll keep going until the hate-mongers give up.

Transforming the deeper causes of ignorance and hatred behind homophobia is an historic, long term struggle, one of the great causes of our generation. But Uganda has become a front line in that struggle, and a powerful symbol. The victory there echoes across many other places where hope is desperately needed, showing that kindness, love, tolerance and respect can defeat hatred and ignorance. Again, a huge thanks to all who made it happen.

With enormous gratitude and admiration for this amazing community,

Ricken, Emma, Iain, Alice, Giulia, Saloni and the whole Avaaz team.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Save Elephants: End International Ivory Trade

Twenty years ago elephants were being wiped out by poachers. International outcry halted the trade in ivory and elephant herds started to recover. Now, elephants are in crisis once again. The ivory trade continues to flourish and seizures of illegal ivory are skyrocketing. Recently, stockpile sales to Japan and China sent a signal to poachers that it is open season on elephants. The lesson is crystal clear: Any legal ivory trade leads to illegal killing.

Join the fight to help free elephants from the threat of ivory poaching. Please sign the petition to urge the European Union to protect the world's remaining elephants by opposing any further international trade in ivory.


Friday 6 May 2011

Syrian risks life to call for help

A desperate video plea has just come in from an Avaaz member in Syria who has risked his life to call on us for help.

The Syrian regime is laying siege to whole cities, and is willing to annihilate them to crush the peaceful democracy movement. Security forces have cut off all food, water and medicine to these towns, shot hundreds of citizens, and detained and tortured thousands -- in many cases ripping out their fingernails before releasing them, as a warning to other protesters.

Despite this unimaginable terror, the Syrian people refuse to be silenced, and are committed to a non-violent path out of this nightmare. But while they have no shortage of bravery, they are short of funds. They are asking for financial and other support -- for needs ranging from urgent medical help to ads and public messages urging soldiers to refuse to shoot protestors.

Click here to watch the harrowing video appeal and donate to help the Syrians' crucial efforts:


Wednesday 4 May 2011

EU Blocks access to herbal medicines

The EU has just blocked our access to many herbal medicines, and already some household remedies are being taken off the shelves.

A new EU Directive came into force this week that erects high barriers to any herbal remedy that hasn't been on the market for 30 years -- including virtually all Chinese, Ayurvedic, and African traditional medicine. The EU Commission itself has recognised this is an over-regulation that will needlessly restrict consumer choice, but lobbyists have opposed efforts to fix it.

We need a massive outcry against this. Together, our voices can press the EU Commission to amend the directive, push our national governments to refuse to apply its excessive standards, and support a legal case that is challenging this regressive regulation. Sign below, forward this email to everyone, and let's get to 1 million voices to save herbal medicine:


It's hard to believe, but if a child is sick, and there is a safe and natural herbal remedy for that illness, as of this week it may be impossible to find that cure.

The EU says the new rules respond to several public health incidents involving herbal products that were applied incorrectly. Their stated goal is to protect consumers, but while regulatory oversight of herbal remedies is important, this new directive significantly reduces the number of products available to consumers, and practically drives out non European traditions, while doing little more to protect people from harm than the prior regulatory set-up. Three years ago EC itself recommended improvements to the directive to make it less prohibitive of Chinese and other non European traditions, but even their own suggestions have been ignored.

The Directive also creates major barriers to manufactured herbal remedies, costing up to 100,000 euros to acquire licenses, years of effort, and long expert processes to get each and every product approved. And research shows that it was the over the counter medicine group, AESGP that lobbied hard to push through the most restrictive elements of the legislation. Pharmaceutical companies have the resources to jump through these hoops but hundreds of small- and medium-sized herbal medicine businesses will not, and consumer choice will be seriously restricted.

We can stop this. The directive has been passed in the shadows of the bureaucracy, and it cannot stand under the light of democratic scrutiny. The EU Commission can amend it, and a court case in Britain is currently challenging it to do so. If European citizens everywhere come together now, it will give legitimacy to the legal case, and add to growing pressure on the Commission. Sign below, and forward this email to everyone, and Avaaz will deliver the petition when we reach one million signers:


Natural medicine deserves adequate regulation, but this heavy-handed directive harms the ability of Europeans to make safe and healthy choices. Let's stand up for our health, and our right to choose safe herbal medicine.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Iain, Giulia, Benjamin, Alex, Alice, Pascal, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team.

PS. Feel you need a greater understanding of this to sign on -- read our response to concerns here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_herbal_response_to_concerns. The Alliance for Natural Health Questions and Answers also has useful questions and answers:


EU herbal medicines law set for legal challenge:

EU concerns on the Directive:

European Union directive to ban natural remedies in favour of pharmaceuticals:

Traditional Chinese medicine firms may face delisting in EU market:

EU crackdown on herbal 'remedies':

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